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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - mount


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Перевод с английского языка mount на русский

1) держатель; оправка; патрон 2) головка – control-head mount – waveguide mount
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См. в других словарях

  1) взбираться 2) восходить 3) вставлять в оправу 4) держатель 5) заделывать 6) закреплять 7) карабкаться 8) крепление 9) микропрепарат 10) монтировать 11) надевать 12) окантовывать 13) опора 14) машиностр. оправа 15) поднимать 16) преодолевать 17) смонтировать 18) станина 19) станинный 20) станок 21) устанавливать to mount a stairway — подниматься по лестница to mount an implement — навешивать орудие to mount mosaic — набирать мозаику to mount on center — устанавливать по центру to mount over studs — устанавливать на шпильках - German mount - diode mount - form mount - gypsum mount - lens mount - metal mount - parallactic mount - screen mount - shock mount - sleeve mount - thermistor mount - waveguide mount ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (монтажная) опора; подмонтажная плита 2) установка; монтаж; сборка; (за)крепление; устанавливать; монтировать; собирать; закреплять 3) присоединительное место; гнездо 4) сборочная единица; узел; блок 5) бобышка; платик; прилив 6) держатель; патрон ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  гл. 1) повышаться, расти (о цене и т.п.) 2) устанавливать 3) монтировать MOUNT 1) крепление; держатель; патрон 2) монтировать, собирать; устанавливать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) гистологический срез; препарат; заключать (в среду) гистологические срезы; монтировать препараты 2) предметное стекло 3) садка (при совокуплении) – Riker mount – slide mount – wet mount – whole mount ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. разг. лошадь, мул, верблюд и т. п. (под седлом) 2. велосипед 3. восхождение (альпинизм) 4. лафет, станок (для орудия) 5. подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта; паспарту 6. подставка (под призовой кубок, вазу и т. п.) 7. стенд (на выставке) 8. предметное стекло (для микроскопа) 9. оправа (драгоценного камня, веера) 10. шелк или бумага, из которых сделан веер 11. редк. посадка на лошадь и т. п. 12. спорт. вскок, наскок на гимнастический снаряд circle mounts —- круговые наскоки на снаряд jump mount —- наскок (на снаряд) прыжком 13. ездка 14. заезд 15. взбираться, восходить, подниматься (часто mount up) to mount a hill —- подняться (взобраться) на холм to mount the stairs —- подняться по лестнице to mount the throne —- взойти на престол the car mounted the pavement —- машина въехала на тротуар his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face —- кровь бросилась ему в лицо the (his) blood mounted to his head —- кровь бросилась ему в голову 16. (on, upon) устанавливать, ставить на возвышении to mount a statue on a pedestal —- установить статую на пьедестале 17. устанавливать; монтировать to mount a gun —- воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет 18. вставлять (в оправу и т. п.) to mount pictures —- наклеивать картины, фотографии на картон или паспарту to mount stamps in an album...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  a hobby сесть на своего (любимого) конька MOUNT guard вступать в караул MOUNT I  1. noun  1) лошадь под седлом  2) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина/карта; паспарту  3) оправа (камня)  4) предметное стекло (для микроскопического среза)  5) mil. установка (для орудия)  2. v.  1) взбираться, восходить, подниматься; to mount the throne - взойти на престол  2) his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face - кровь бросилась ему в лицо  3) подниматься, повышаться (о цене)  4) садиться на лошадь/велосипед, в машину (on); Mounting on my bicycle, I rode at full speed down the street  5) посадить на лошадь  6) снабжать верховыми лошадьми  7) устанавливать, монтировать; to mount a picture - наклеивать картину на картон; to mount a specimen - приготовлять препарат для исследования (под микроскопом); to mount jewels - вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу; to mount a gun mil. - устанавливать орудие на лафет Syn: see climb II noun  1) холм; гора (уст., кроме названий, напр.: Mount Everest гора Эверест)  2) бугорок (на ладони) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  опорное (виброизолирующее) основание rubber mount spring mount ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) держатель; оправка; патрон 2) опора; стойка; основание; штатив 3) установка; сборка; монтаж; крепление устанавливать; собирать; монтировать; крепить 4) кфт. оправа 5) рамка (диапозитива) 6) закреплять на плоской поверхности (напр. клетки, хромосомы) 7) гистологический срез; препарат монтировать препараты для получения срезов - antenna mount - antivibration mount - bayonet mount - block mount - bolometer mount - cab resilient mount - camera mount - collapsible mount - combined bayonet screw mount - direct mount - engine mount - focusing mount - gyroscopicafly stabilized mount - helical mount - low frequency isolation mount - metal mount - micrometer mount - panel mount - pan-tilt mount - pivoted mount - rack mount - screw mount - sunk mount - suspension mount - universal mount - waveguide mount - wet mount ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. ascend or climb (a hill, stairs, etc.). 2 tr. a get up on (an animal, esp. a horse) to ride it. b set (a person) on horseback. c provide (a person) with a horse. d (as mounted adj.) serving on horseback (mounted police). 3 tr. go up or climb on to (a raised surface). 4 intr. a move upwards. b (often foll. by up) increase, accumulate. c (of a feeling) become stronger or more intense (excitement was mounting). d (of the blood) rise into the cheeks. 5 tr. (esp. of a male animal) get on to (a female) to copulate. 6 tr. (often foll. by on) place (an object) on an elevated support. 7 tr. a set in or attach to a backing, setting, or other support. b attach (a picture etc.) to a mount or frame. c fix (an object for viewing) on a microscope slide. 8 tr. a arrange (a play, exhibition, etc.) or present for public view or display. b take action to initiate (a programme, campaign, etc.). 9 tr. prepare (specimens) for preservation. 10 tr. a bring into readiness for operation. b raise (guns) into position on a fixed mounting. 11 intr. rise to a higher level of rank, power, etc. --n. 1 a backing, setting, or other support on which a picture etc. is set for display. 2 the margin surrounding a picture or photograph. 3 a a horse available for riding. b an opportunity to ride a horse, esp. as a jockey. 4 = stamp-hinge (see HINGE). Phrases and idioms mount guard (often foll. by over) perform the duty of guarding; take up sentry duty. Derivatives mountable adj. mounter n. Etymology: ME f. OF munter, monter ult. f. L (as MOUNT(2)) 2. n. archaic (except before a name): mountain, hill (Mount Everest; Mount of Olives). Etymology: ME f. OE munt & OF mont f. L mons montis mountain ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English munt & Anglo-French munt, mont, both from Latin mont-, mons; akin to Welsh mynydd ~ain, Latin minari to project, threaten  Date: before 12th century  1. a high hill ; ~ain — used especially before an identifying name Mount Everest  2. archaic earthwork 1  3. mound 2a(1)  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French munter, monter, from Vulgar Latin *montare, from Latin mont-, mons  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. rise, ascend  2. to increase in a~ or extent expenses began to ~  3. to get up on something above the level of the ground; especially to seat oneself (as on a horse) for riding  transitive verb  1.  a. to go up ; climb  b.  (1) to seat or place oneself on  (2) to climb on top of for copulation  2.  a. to lift up ; raise  b.  (1) to put or have (as artillery) in position  (2) to have as equipment  c.  (1) to organize and equip (an attacking force) ~ an army  (2) to launch and carry out (as an assault or a campaign)  3. to set on something that elevates  4.  a. to cause to get on a means of conveyance  b. to furnish with animals for riding  5. to post or set up for defense or observation ~ed some guards  6.  a. to attach to a support  b. to arrange or assemble for use or display  7.  a. to prepare (as a specimen) for examination or display  b. to prepare and supply with materials needed for performance or execution ~ an opera  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 15th century  1. an act or instance of ~ing; specifically an opportunity to ride a horse in a race  2. frame, support: as  a. the material (as cardboard) on which a picture is ~ed  b. a jewelry setting  c.  (1) an undercarriage or part on which a device (as a motor or an artillery piece) rests in service  (2) an attachment for an accessory  d. a hinge, card, or acetate envelope for ~ing a stamp  e. a glass slide with its accessories on which objects are placed for examination with a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (mounts, mounting, mounted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you mount a campaign or event, you organize it and make it take place. ...a security operation mounted by the army. = organize VERB: V n 2. If something mounts, it increases in intensity. For several hours, tension mounted... There was mounting concern in her voice. = rise VERB: V, V-ing 3. If something mounts, it increases in quantity. The uncollected garbage mounts in city streets... He ignored his mounting debts. VERB: V, V-ing • To mount up means the same as to mount. Her medical bills mounted up. PHRASAL VERB: V P 4. If you mount the stairs or a platform, you go up the stairs or go up onto the platform. (FORMAL) Llewelyn was mounting the stairs up into the keep... VERB: V n 5. If you mount a horse or cycle, you climb on to it so that you can ride it. A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike... He went to the small stable where his horse was, harnessed it, mounted, and rode out to the beach. = get on VERB: V n, V 6. If you mount an object on something, you fix it there firmly. Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame... ...a specially mounted horse shoe. VERB: V n on n, V-ed, also V n • -mounted ...a wall-mounted electric fan. COMB in ADJ 7. If you mount an exhibition or display, you organize and present it. The gallery has mounted an exhibition of art by Irish women painters. = put on, stage VERB: V n 8. Mount is used as part of the name of a mountain. ...Mount Everest. N-IN-NAMES 9. see also mounted ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »INCREASE« to increase gradually, especially in a way that makes a situation worse  (The tension here is mounting, as we await the final result. | For days after the accident, the death toll continued to mount.)  (- see also mounting1) 2 mount a campaign/attack/exhibition etc to plan, organize, and begin an event or a course of action  (Scott mounted an expedition to the South Pole.) 3 »HORSE/BICYCLE« to get on a horse, bicycle etc  (She mounted and rode off.)  (- opposite dismount (1)) 4 »CLIMB STAIRS« formal to go up something such as a set of stairs  (We mounted some stone steps to a gallery.) 5 be mounted to/on to be fixed to something and supported by it  (The statue was mounted on a marble plinth.) 6 »PICTURE« to fix a picture or photograph to a larger piece of stiff paper so that it looks more attractive 7 »SEX« technical if a male animal mounts a female animal, he gets up onto her back to have sex 8 mount guard (over) formal to guard a place, especially as a military duty mount up phr v to gradually increase in size or amount  (Our debts are beginning to mount up again.) ~2 n 1 Mount part of the name of a mountain  (Mount Everest) 2 a horse that you ride on 3 old use a mountain ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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